Marriage is an early milestone that determines the family life as well as a gateway to the formation of a sakinah family. Well-planned marriage, it would be easier to realize the purpose of marriage that is shaping a sakinah family, mawaddah, warahmah where both parties (husband and wife) can support each other and position themselves in a harmonious relationship.
Marriage is also a process of uniting two people to a bond in which there is a commitment and aims to foster a household and continue the offspring. A person who decides to marry means he has made an important decision in his life. This is an important momentum and is not easy to do.
Marriage is not only based on blind love, but accompanied by rational considerations, given the differences between the world of couples. Pre-marital period can be a period of observation, understanding and adjustment between couples. The ideal to realize a sakinah family is sometimes not achieved due to the emergence of problems in the household.
Among the problems that cause tempest in the household is the act of violence a husband to his wife, where a wife should be given love and understanding, even shouted even hit, so that the wife who should feel protected when next to her husband, insecure and uncomfortable even feeling ill both inward and inner.
Violence against wives occurring within the scope of households is generally difficult to detect by outsiders. This is due to several things, including the wife who experienced violence from her husband kept the meetings of the case because of shame on the neighbors and family. Thus, most wives accept the violence with resignation to their fate.
Many forms and factors that cause violence in the household include physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence and economic violence. It has the potential to lead families to divorce, if the problem is not addressed immediately.
Based on data collected from various sources; (1) from the Religious Courts or Religious Courts (PA-BADILAG) in 305,535 cases, (2) from Komnas Perempuan partner service partners of 16,217 cases, (3) from the Service and Referral Unit (UPR), a unit which is intentionally established by Komnas Perempuan to receive victims' complaints coming directly to Komnas Perempuan and (4) from the monitoring division managing incoming complaints by mail and electronic mail. From the data, the most prominent types of violence against women the same as in previous year were domestic violence which reached 11,207 cases (69%).
In the domains of domestic violence, the most prominent was physical violence of 4,304 cases (38%), ranked first in terms of sexual violence 3,325 cases (30%), psychological 2,607 cases (23%) and economy 971 cases (9%).
In the city of Pekalongan there are also several cases of domestic violence. According to the Pekalongan City Women, Children and Youth Institution (LP-PAR) which is in charge of providing protection, advocacy and assistance to women, children and adolescents and / or victims of violence. The position of LP-PAR Kota Pekalongan is under the auspices of Community Empowerment, Women, Child Protection and Family Planning (BPMP2AKB) in the social sector owned by Pekalongan City Government which has the duty to carry out regional authority in the field of community empowerment, women empowerment, child protection, poverty alleviation, and family planning in accordance with the policy of the mayor. In performing its functions, LP-PAR cooperates with various parties, namely: Psychologist, Doctor, Police, Prosecutor, Social Worker, PANITERA (District Court), Community Guidance (BAPAS), Judge (Religious Court), and Legal Practitioner.
In 2015 there are 9 cases of domestic violence handled by LP-PAR Kota Pekalongan. One of them is a case of domestic violence experienced by sister T (Inisial). Her husband had not given her a living for about eleven months. In addition, her husband is also close to other women (cheating) and for approximately eleven months of it anyway, her husband never took care of her two children.
In handling the T sister case above, LP-PAR helps facilitate in court. Starting from filing his lawsuit sister T to replik, duplik and so on, besides LP-PAR also continue to accompany and prepare mentally the victim to be ready in answering questions given the judge. Before filing a divorce lawsuit, LP-PAR first mediates to T sister and husband.
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