Questions that appear appear very smart. For some people who are in a hurry will answer it immediately and in a hurry too. Of course with the quality of answers that are not worthy to be taken as the right material of reflection. A sincere person, will never take answers and conclusions in haste. Later on the reader, the answer I provided is also not a final answer. In fact I did not call it an answer to the question I was forced to show up in this book. Later, all I have to say is a small stimulus that we seek our own answers in our vast and diverse lives of interest in each of us.

That stimulation is the biggest reason I write this book. The reason for the sensibility of our hearts to the attraction of the divinity more noticeable and visible light so that the behavior of kindness based on love will increasingly spread and spread in social life-society and devotions. It is so obvious that we are often ignorant and incapable of mobilizing ourselves to be present in the diligence we practice in our worship. Either social worship or divine worship, in terms of fiqih is the worship of Mahdhah and worship ghair mahdhah.

Well, just let's 'discuss the problem' as an approach to string the answer to our second question. Right now we're just getting started and maybe this answer will come after ten years of stringing, or fifteen years, or forty years, or even until our deaths pick up, we'll just get an answer. Or, if we are less fortunate, then we will get an answer after we gather in mahsyar fields to be tried. That is where we will understand the importance of behavior sufism.

First, is it not in this life that we have seen too many views (axioms / philosophies / approaches) of life? Then why should sufism. To answer this question, I'll ask you questions - have not I told you to answer questions, often we have to answer other questions. And also so that we are not too hasty to string up the beginnings of this answer.

My question is, where are all those views of life that teach to always cleanse the heart, bow under the guidance of the teacher, and emphasize the balance between the worship-fiqh and the presence therein; to the God of Sunday and Wahid? Notice our relationship with God through dhikr as an indefinite connection and amount. Is there other than being a Sufi way of life that could be the basis for another behavior of life, such as being a scientist, merchant, army, leader, thinker, and others but inseparable with divinity, prophethood and adab?

Sufism is central; we will be any good if it has based everything with the life of Sufism as a control tool that all, I'm sure everything will be balanced. I mean, when we have morals with this method of tasawuf, I am sure any field of life that we live; we will live sincerely, professionally and honestly. This is because - with Sufism - we are treating ourselves from liver disease. It is this liver disease that is both the product and the source of the births of apropore acts I mentioned above.

There are some opinions about this liver disease, but the authors follow the opinion that there are six liver diseases. I describe the scheme better for our understanding.

Practice of intentions / spiritual level of worship practice device / body of worship

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